Prerequisites for attending training courses using the Adobe software
To participate in training courses at the Prepress NetMedia Training Centre using Adobe software, participants must have competence in the very 'basic computer skills' listed below.
Please Note:- prior knowledge of any Adobe software is NOT expected to join any one of our Adobe courses.
able to identity hardware components eg. keyboard, mouse, monitor/screen.
able to use a computer using either the Windows or Macintosh operating system.
able to name and save a document to an appropriate folder/directory.
able to navigate a Windows PC or Mac to find files and folders.
able to save a file to designated folder.
able to select menu items from a drop-down menu.
able to edit text in a software program by selecting the text.
able to copy data using the clipboard (cut, copy and paste).
able to launch software applications.
able to key in text using a software application.
able to locate and use return/enter, space, delete/backspace, shift, caps lock.